Aphrodisiacs - Increasing Sexual Desire and Capacity

Are you among the millions of people worldwide who are otherwise healthy but who've lost interest in sex? Do you find it boring and routine? Are you so tired that you'd rather nap than make love? Do you think TV is more stimulating than your partner? Do you have physical symptoms, like vaginal dryness or difficulty with erection, that make sex unpleasant?

Damiana Extract

As a relationship matures it is common, but definitely not necessary, for sex to become predictable and unexciting. One of the first places to start improving your sex life is to elevate your general mood and increase your energy level. This is good advice not only for improving sex but also for most other things in your life.

Damiana Extract

According to a survey of 153 doctors conducted by Pharmatron Health Products during July and August of 1998: " Herbal supplements are now entering mainstream medical practice, with one in three primary care doctors recommending them to patients at least weekly, most frequently for people with mood and emotional complaints... About as many doctors recommend herbal supplements for fatigue and lack of energy...Doctors also practice what they preach, with one in four doctors personally consuming herbal supplements."

So, let's assume you have covered the basics. You pay attention to what you eat and take some nutritional supplements. You follow a regular routine for physical fitness. You are reasonably healthy. There are no organic health problems interfering with your sexual performance, or you have consulted a physician and they are being treated allopathically with drugs. (Note that many prescription drugs are known to interfere with sexual desire and performance. If you are taking any prescription medication, ask your doctor about such side effects. It may be possible to prescribe a different medication that won't interfere with your sex life. )

If you are not doing these things, you may consider changing your habits before you experiment with aphrodisiacs. Regular exercise, good diet and basic nutritional supplements may be all you need to revitalize you sex life.

Ideally we could also assume that you have set aside old beliefs and conditioning about your sexuality. You have moved beyond shame and guilt. You have had help in dealing with any sexual abuse or trauma. You understand and believe that sex is natural, good and wondrous. If you lack sexual skill and technique, and your imagination fails to motivate you to experiment by trying new things, perhaps a workshop or some private coaching is in order.

Even if you have done all of these things, perhaps you are still looking for more and wonder if aphrodisiacs might be it. They are definitely worth experimenting with, but be warned, many of them may have side effects for some people. If you want to consume any item mentioned consult your physician first. If you do decide to use them, start out slowly and experiment carefully to see how each of them works for you. Try them one at a time to see what each one does on its own and how your body responds to its use before you consume several at the same time.

What are Aphrodisiacs?
An aphrodisiac is something that increases your libido. It turns you on and increases your desire to have sex, or it may reduce your usual inhibitions about sex. Aphrodisiacs may also improve your ability to have sex. This means that under the right circumstances, almost anything could have aphrodisiac qualities, but most people think of something to eat or drink when they think of aphrodisiacs.

Aphrodisiacs are never an alternative to healthy sexual attitude, doing your inner work to remove psychological barriers to sexual intimacy, or sexual skill mastery, but they can be lots of fun.

Aphrodisiacs may also be exactly what is needed when sexual dysfunction is caused by physiological/organic causes, e.g., peripheral vascular disease, hardening of the penile arteries, diabetes mellitus, prostate enlargement, high levels of pituitary gland hormone prolactin, low testosterone, menopause and andropause (the male's version of menopause).

What do you already know about aphrodisiac herbs? Here is a short aphrodisiac quiz. The answers to the questions are at the end of the article.

Aphrodisiac Quiz

1. Which aphrodisiac could you say this about? "Occasionally, it causes erections even in the absence of any sexual stimulation." And, "has a reputation for producing electrifying sexual encounters..."

2. What amino acid will help relax the smooth muscles in your genitals and enable a man to maintain an erection?

3. Which hormone precursor did homerun hitting Mark McGwire help make famous?

4. Which Greek Goddess does the name aphrodisiacs come from?

5. What berry provides protection for the prostate gland?

6. Which natural adrenal hormone, available as a nutritional supplement, helps balance all the other hormones in the body, for both men and women, and has dramatic effects on improving memory?

7. What topical cream can be used by menopausal women as part of a natural approach to hormone replacement, to help balance an estrogen dominance, assist in reducing bone loss and to build new bones?

8. Which nutritional supplement can help you to stop worrying and be happy now? Hint: It is commonly misspelled as Wart.

9. Which natural sedative available as a nutritional supplement can help you get a really good night's sleep with no morning after effects so you've got the energy for lovemaking?

10. Which Mexican herb is "reputed to induce erotic dreams when drunk at bedtime?"

11. Which adrenal hormone, available as a nutritional supplement, can increase your energy level, enhance your sex drive, decrease body fat, reduce stress and reduce ill effects of stress, enhance memory function, extend lifespan, and improve your immune function all at the same time?

12. There is an antioxidant that improves circulation and "can help in cases where a man has circulation-related difficulties in getting an erection." It is also well known for enhancing short-term memory. What is it?

13. Which South American aphrodisiac used in the Amazon and Orinoco basins for centuries, can increase libido, stimulate sensuality, increase sexual pleasure, and is used as a treatment for impotence and frigidity?

Selected Aphrodisiacs

Here is a brief summary of several aphrodisiacs that can enhance your sexual desire, help you experience more pleasure and perform better as a lover. We explain their general properties, how to use them, and where to get them. They may be worth experimenting with, but be warned, many of the substances mentioned may have side effects for some people. Nothing we say here is intended as medical advice. If you want to consume any item mentioned consult your physician first. Where possible use a product with standardized extract. This means that the product is guaranteed to contain a certain percentage of the active ingredient(s). Consult labels carefully to determine quantities of all ingredients. Follow dosage recommendations on the product label.

Don't let the strange sounding names and exotic places they come from throw you off from considering the use of aphrodisiacs. These items are not any more unusual than many things now part of our regular vocabulary and consumption, for instance, aspirin.


Available in capsules and spray Androstenedione is naturally occurring in all meat as well as in the Scotch Pine tree. It is a metabolite of the hormones DHEA and progesterone, and is a direct hormonal precursor to testosterone. Androstenedione is short-acting, elevating blood testosterone levels without inhibiting the body's natural testosterone production.

Sexually, Androstenedione will be most helpful for men over 50 and for women in the menopausal cycle, because this is when testosterone levels begin to drop. "Testosterone is... 'the hormone of desire,' the substance that acts on the brain to stimulate sexual interest, sensitivity to sexual stimulation and orgasmic ability in both sexes....The most common complaint associated with declining [testosterone] levels is an otherwise unexplainable loss of sexual enjoyment...." [Source: Testosterone: Not Just For Men, Jane Brody, Pro Health, May/June 1998]

The hard-hitting bat of Mark McGwire with 70 home runs in a single season has put the spotlight on Androstenedione. In an August 1998 interview with Sports Illustrated, McGwire said "the company that supplies me says most of its repeat business is coming from wives and girlfriends who are very satisfied."

Androstenedione is available in spray or capsules. Recommended dosage: For men, one to four sprays (25 mg per spray) per day. For women, up to one spray per day. Capsules typically come in 50mg dosages, which may be too high for women. Women may wish to take only one or two capsules a month. Men who find adrostenedione works for them may take it daily, on an empty stomach at bedtime and/or in the morning or 30 minutes prior to sexual activity.

Long term studies of the effects of this substance have not been done. It is not available in Canada, but is available over the counter at health food stores in the US. Check with the suppliers listed at the end of this article for mail orders.


This powerful aphrodisiac is extracted from West Africa's Corynanthe Yohimbe tree. For centuries, tribes in this region have used a tea made from the inner bark in their fertility rituals. It may help to stimulate erection and enhance libido and increase physical energy in men and women.

"Most of the current medical literature on yohimbe discusses the treatment of male impotence but an impressive body of anecdotal evidence surrounds the use of yohimbe for making good sex even better." [Source: Better Sex Through Chemistry, John Morgenthaler, Pro Health, May/June 1998]

"Occasionally, it causes erections even in the absence of any sexual stimulation." [Source: Viagra: Is The Stampede Misdirected?, Will Block, Life Enhancement, June 1998]

The tincture form is recommended rather than capsules. Take one-half dropper under the tongue and hold for sixty seconds immediately before sexual activity. This is a powerful substance. We do not recommend daily or prolonged use because of possible side effects. Stay clear if you suffer from high blood pressure, heart, kidney or liver disease.

Yohimbe is available over the counter at health food stores in the US. Check with the suppliers listed at the end of this article for mail orders.


The amino acid arginine is an immune system enhancer and powerful growth hormone stimulant. It plays a role in many body tasks: wound healing, circulation and sexual function.

In response to sexual stimulation, your body releases nitric oxide (NO) in your genitals. This causes the smooth muscles to relax and blood flows into the penis resulting in erection. Both arginine and ginkgo biloba have both been shown to enhance NO levels in your body. "If sufficient NO is not produced, erection or sexual stimulation does not occur. Arginine is absolutely necessary for the production of NO....Some scientists studying these phenomena have concluded that up to 90% of all impotency can be reversed by NO (and by implication, the use of arginine)." [Source: Dr. Whitaker Wellness Institute Guide To Nutrients, Julian Whitaker M.D., Summer 1998] The new drug Viagra from Pfizer increases blood flow into the penis, or into the vaginal area for women, but this drug has many known side effects and there were 69 confirmed deaths attributed to Viagra use by the fall of 1998!

Arginine should be taken on an empty stomach. You may use it daily and/or 30 minutes to an hour before sexual activity. Not for use by diabetics, borderline diabetics, pregnant or lactating women, cancer patients or persons who have had ocular or brain herpes. Available in health food stores.

Ginkgo Biloba

The Ginkgo tree is one of the oldest living species on the planet. It has flourished unchanged for over 150 million years has been used in Chinese medicine for over 5,000 years. The leaves and fruit of the Ginkgo tree contain a variety of phytochemicals that have a wide range of clinically proven benefits. Ginkgo significantly increases blood flow to the brain thereby improving cognitive function, memory, alertness and concentration. It also improves peripheral arterial insufficiency (restriction of blood flow to the legs and other extremities, including the genitals).

"Because it improves circulation, it can help in cases where a man has circulation-related difficulties in getting an erection." [Source: Love Potions, Cynthia Mervis Watson, M.D., Jeremy P. Tarcher/Perigee, 1993]

There are no serious side effects with Ginkgo Biloba. It is available at most health food stores. Large doses over a long period of time can result in irritability and headaches, so take no more than 3 grams daily in capsule or tincture form

Saw Palmetto

For years, berries of the saw palmetto plant have been used to treat bladder and prostate conditions. It helps regulate testosterone levels in both women and men, supports healthy prostate function and is a good source of fatty acids. "Many herbalists regard saw palmetto berries as safe, mild aphrodisiacs; ten to twelve can be eaten daily for a cumulative effect. Their potency is increased when they are combined with damiana." [Source: Love Potions, Cynthia Mervis Watson, M.D., Jeremy P. Tarcher/Perigee, 1993]

Recommended dosage is 160-320 mg per day of Saw Palmetto. Avoid if pregnant, planning pregnancy or suffering from a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Available at health food stores.


Zinc is a mineral that may improve sensory and sexual functions as well as boost the immune system, quicken wound healing, and promote skin health. Virtually every man who lives long enough will have a problem with prostate enlargement. A man with prostate irritation will lose most interest in sexual intercourse. Several years ago I began to have prostate discomfort but have completely corrected the problem with a combination of pycnogenol, zinc, and saw palmetto.

Recommended dosage: 50 mg. Daily. High doses may lower HDL cholesterol, cause anemia and weaken immune function. Available at health food stores.


This herb from Mexico has been used by both men and women to enhance and regulate the production of sex hormones. It is considered a potent aphrodisiac. "Chemically this plant has been found to contain several alkaloids that directly stimulate the sex organs... Native Mexican women have long drunk an infusion of the herb a couple of hours before retiring to prime themselves for their men. It is reputed to induce erotic dreams when drunk at bedtime." [Source: Love Potions, Cynthia Mervis Watson, M.D., Jeremy P. Tarcher/Perigee, 1993]

Damiana leaves for tea or making tincture, or tincture already prepared, is available at most health food stores.

Muira Puama

Found in the Amazon and Orinoco basins of South America, Muira Puama has long been used "to stimulate sensuality, as a sexual enhancer, and as a treatment for impotence and frigidity...[it] appears to be milder and without the side effects of [yohimbe]." [Source: Love Potions, Cynthia Mervis Watson, M.D., Jeremy P. Tarcher/Perigee, 1993] It is considered effective in restoring libido and treating erectile dysfunction.

For an aphrodisiac drink, mix 2 ounces each of damiana and muira puama tinctures in your favorite adult punch (20 serving size). Muira puama may or may not be available at your local health food store. In the U.S. it is available in tincture and capsule form. Check with the suppliers listed at the end of this article for mail order.

Natural Progesterone Cream (For Women)

Progesterone plays many roles in the body, one of them is maintaining sex drive. It is particularly important for women in the menopausal cycle. Natural progesterone is identical to what your body produces. It is derived from diosgenin in the wild Mexican yam. Natural progesterones are more biologically active and safer than their unnatural counterparts.

Progesterone is a small fat-soluble molecule, which can be easily absorbed through the skin. It is initially absorbed into the fat layers under the skin, then is diffused into the capillaries where it enters the blood stream as needed. This makes transdermal progesterone 100% bioavailable to the body. In contrast, oral supplementation of progesterone has to be taken in very high dosages to compensate for the almost 90% which will be excreted by the liver.

Use 1/4 to 3/4 teaspoon in the morning, applied to the softer parts of the body (for better absorption). Rotate the application spot on a daily basis. Because natural progesterone is identical to the body's own progesterone there are no known side effects at 20-40 mg/day. Very large dosages can result in feelings of sleepiness. Available by mail order from suppliers listed.


A supplement derived from diosgenin, the Mexican yam extract, pregnenolone is the building block for all other hormones. Produced by the body's adrenal glands, Pregnenolone may be one of our most important hormones because it seems to have a balancing effect in bringing the levels of other hormones up or down as needed. Pregnenolone is a direct precursor of both DHEA and progesterone. Pregnenolone levels dramatically drop after age 30. Research indicates that restoration of Pregnenolone to levels of healthy young adults may have dramatic positive effects on memory, mood and energy, and sexual function. Pregnenolone can be taken once daily in the morning on an empty stomach to mimic the body's normal rhythm. Recommended dosage: 10-100 mg per day. Adjust the dosage to your needs. Safety has been long established--it was used for arthritis treatment back in the 40s at very high doses with no apparent side effects.

It is available at most health food stores and can be ordered via mail.


DHEA (de-hydro-epi-andro-sterone) is a hormone naturally produced by your adrenal glands. It is usually the most abundant adrenal hormone in the body, but with age (or certain disease conditions) the levels drop. Lower levels of DHEA are associated with many of the diseases associated with aging and people with naturally higher levels are found to have lower incidence of some of these diseases (cancer, for example).

In his Wellness Institute Guide to Nutrients Dr. Julian Whitaker notes "I give DHEA to about 80% of my patients over 40 because of its health-enhancing and anti-aging benefits."

Dosage: most people over 25 can take 25 - 50 mg per day in the morning with food. This amount will bring your DHEA levels back up to the normal range for the average 25-year-old. Check with mail order suppliers.

St. John's Wort

This popular supplement has been shown to have antidepressive and antiviral properties. New research shows that St. John's Wort may actually increase serotonin production. I have a tendency to be a little hyperactive. I have never been diagnosed with adult ADD, but I find that taking St. John's Wort 3-4 times per week takes the edge off my being speedy very nicely.

Look for St. John's Wort containing 0.3% standardized hypericin extract. Avoid if pregnant or planning pregnancy. May cause photo-sensitivity so avoid strong sunlight and other sources of ultraviolet light (like "tanning booths") when taking St. John's Wort. Available in most health food stores.


Getting a good nights sleep does wonders for your sex life! Valeriana officinalis, a natural sedative that may be helpful for insomnia, leaves no morning after effects. Take just before going to bed.

Available in tablets or loose tea form at health food stores. High doses may cause paralysis and a weakening of the heartbeat. Like any sedative, may become habit-forming if used for an extended period of time. Avoid if pregnant. Available in most health food stores.


Life Extension Foundation:

Vitamin Research Products (VRP): http://www.vrp.com/default.asp?vMBR=467976

Quiz Answers

1. Yohimbe

2. Arginine

3. Androstenedione

4. Aphrodite (Venus in the Roman pantheon)

5. Saw Palmetto

6. Pregnenolone

7. Natural Progesterone Cream

8. St. John's Wort

9. Valerian

11. DHEA

12. Ginkgo Biloba

13. Muira Puama

Aphrodisiacs - Increasing Sexual Desire and Capacity
Damiana Extract

Cyber Monday Damiana, 1 oz ( Multi-Pack) 2011 Deals

Nov 30, 2011 01:17:37

Cyber Monday Damiana, 1 oz ( Multi-Pack) Deals
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Damiana, 1 oz ( Multi-Pack)

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Organic Sex Pills for Women - Boost Your Sex Drive and Get Rid of Vaginal Dryness

Women all over the world face a lot of sexual problems and some of the most common ones among them are low libido and vaginal dryness. Not just this, there are factors that can lead to a complete loss of libido and make a woman frigid in bed. Vaginal dryness is largely a result of changes in your hormonal production during menopause. What it is certain to do is that it can make you avoid sex by making intercourse extremely painful.

Damiana Extract

However, organic sex pills for women can make you get over such problems and enjoy sex once again. Such pills are a blessing in disguise not just for millions of women but also for their men who love to have their women indulge in sex once again.

Damiana Extract

Such pills are a perfect blend of all natural ingredients, primarily herbs that have been used as sexual stimulants for thousands of years.

Some of the herbs used in such pills include:

Tribulus Terrestris Black Cohosh Shatavari Extract Chrysin Koran Ginseng Wild Yam Damiana Licorice Root Horny Goat Weed Damiana etc.,

Such herbs are excellent sexual stimulants. But more than that they are highly effective in stimulating the production of sex hormones in your body. These sex hormones include testosterone, estrogen and progesterone. Increasing estrogen production in your body not only helps boost your sexual appetite but also helps increase natural lubrication. This helps you tide over vaginal dryness. Not just this, such pills can also help you get over menopause symptoms and hot flashes.

Such pills provide a 3 fold effect:

1. First of all, they balance and restore your hormone levels

They boost the production of DHEA in your body which is not just associated with anti aging but is also proven to enhance sexual desire in women.

2. Increases Sexual Thoughts

Natural ingredients in such pills include some of the most potent aphrodisiacs that give a boost to your libido and sex drive.Ginger root, black pepper fruit, long pepper fruit etc., are also great sexual stimulants

3. Intensifies Pleasure

Such pills also help increase your response to sexual stimulation so that you can enjoy sensations you would have never even imagined. They are highly effective in helping women get over female sexual arousal dysfunction. In other words, they speed up arousal so that you can achieve climax soon after foreplay.

Increased Blood Flow

One of the most important effects of such pills is that they can help boost blood flow to the vaginal area. This is not just great for your libido and arousal but also helps increases clitoral sensitivity.

Horny goat weed is one of the herbs that is best at increasing nitric oxide production in your body. Nitric oxide ensure muscle relaxation so that blood vessels can dilate and more blood can flow into the clitoris.

Good quality sex pills are clinically approved and do not have any side effects at all.

So, If You Want to Get a Libido Boost and Enjoy Most Satisfying Sex, Check out the Best Organic Sex Pills for Women that have Become a Big Hit Across the World.

Organic Sex Pills for Women - Boost Your Sex Drive and Get Rid of Vaginal Dryness
Damiana Extract

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Natural Penis Enlargement Supplements

Recently, there have been influxes of ingredients for penis enlargement in the market, which have been borrowed heavily from the ancient herbal medicine practices in the Far East. These ingredients, which are mostly herbal, have slowly taken over the place of chemical compounds to create the natural enhancers which are growing in popularity daily, because of their sheer effectiveness and lack of side effects.

Damiana Extract

These natural remedies have been manufactured in the form of pills and penis enlargement patches, in order to curb the competition from their synthetic counterparts. There is no major difference with the natural supplements like the Virility Ex, for example, because they both really do work. They have got no dire side effects, and most of them will be sold openly. The plant extracts are made in such a way that they can be taken through orally or through transdermal application; for the case of patches, they are absorbed straight into the blood stream.

Damiana Extract

When you decide to use herbal supplements, you should at least take the time to find out what ingredients they are made up of because these are going to your blood stream, and you might never notice what you are allergic of. Therefore, it is your mandate to get only what is good for your blood stream and system in general. All of the products will be claiming to be the best in the market, however virility ex has proven to work on over 100,000 satisfied customers, so it will probably work for you too.

Herbal/natural supplements are, of course, going to work well for you especially if you are smart enough to combine them with other enhancement methods like jelqing. Using the two methods should make you realize a lot of size increase in girth and length of your penis, be even a whopping 30%. The good thing about this increase is that it could as well be permanent or manage to last a long time, all this at a very affordable price. It pays for one to at least know a few of the natural ingredients that make up for penis size enhancement, male vigor and vitality. These are like the damiana leaf extract and the horny goat weed, to mention but only a few. Watch out for such in the natural ingredients.

Natural Penis Enlargement Supplements
Damiana Extract

Black Friday ESTROGEN BALANCE 2 FL. OZ. 2011 Deals

Nov 28, 2011 00:42:37

Black Friday ESTROGEN BALANCE 2 FL. OZ. Deals
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Black Friday ESTROGEN BALANCE 2 FL. OZ. Feature

  • Promotes hormonal balance

Black Friday ESTROGEN BALANCE 2 FL. OZ. Overview

Female Estrogen With Progestrone formula is used mainly to promote hormonal balance. It does not contain hormones, however.

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Evening Boost 2 Oz Bottle. Specifically for Women To: Warm the Heart, Enhance Sexual Function, Increase Energy, Circulation and Support Healthy Hormone Function. Used Safely and Effectively for Over 20 Years.

Black Friday Evening Boost 2 Oz Bottle. Specifically for Women To: Warm the Heart, Enhance Sexual Function, Increase Energy, Circulation and Support Healthy Hormone Function. Used Safely and Effectively for Over 20 Years. 2011 Deals

Nov 27, 2011 00:11:34

Black Friday Evening Boost 2 Oz Bottle. Specifically for Women To: Warm the Heart, Enhance Sexual Function, Increase Energy, Circulation and Support Healthy Hormone Function. Used Safely and Effectively for Over 20 Years. Deals
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Evening Boost 2 Oz Bottle. Specifically for Women To: Warm the Heart, Enhance Sexual Function, Increase Energy, Circulation and Support Healthy Hormone Function. Used Safely and Effectively for Over 20 Years.

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Black Friday Evening Boost 2 Oz Bottle. Specifically for Women To: Warm the Heart, Enhance Sexual Function, Increase Energy, Circulation and Support Healthy Hormone Function. Used Safely and Effectively for Over 20 Years. Overview

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Evening Boost 2 Oz Bottle. Specifically for Women To: Warm the Heart, Enhance Sexual Function, Increase Energy, Circulation and Support Healthy Hormone Function. Used Safely and Effectively for Over 20 Years.

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Black Friday Damiana, 1 oz ( Multi-Pack) 2011 Deals

Nov 25, 2011 23:21:47

Black Friday Damiana, 1 oz ( Multi-Pack) Deals
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Damiana, 1 oz ( Multi-Pack)

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Black Friday Veo CORE - Essential Nutrients (60 capsules) - Complete multivitamin, minerals, and enzymes. 2011 Deals

Nov 24, 2011 23:23:20

Black Friday Veo CORE - Essential Nutrients (60 capsules) - Complete multivitamin, minerals, and enzymes. Deals
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Veo CORE - Essential Nutrients (60 capsules) - Complete multivitamin, minerals, and enzymes.

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Black Friday Veo CORE - Essential Nutrients (60 capsules) - Complete multivitamin, minerals, and enzymes. Feature

  • Powerful, multivitamin/mineral supplement essential to overall health for today’s active lifestyle.
  • Supports hormone balance and the body's ability for self-cleansing / detoxifying.
  • Good health and vitality by supporting metabolic processes for proper energy release.
  • Balance and healthy function in the body.
  • Statements have not been evaluated by FDA; not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.

Black Friday Veo CORE - Essential Nutrients (60 capsules) - Complete multivitamin, minerals, and enzymes. Overview

Vitamins and minerals blended with enzymes to maximize utilization and supply an essential support for all body functions and systems. CORE is a powerful, iron-free, multivitamin/mineral supplement specifically formulated for the needs of today’s active lifestyle. CORE promotes good health and vitality by providing important nutrients that support against free radicals, slowing the aging process, help balance hormones, and support the body in self cleansing and detoxifying. Enzymes are essential chemicals that are the foundation of bodily functions. They are the catalysts, or activators, in the chemical reactions that are continually taking place within the body. Vitamins and minerals work with these enzymes as co-enzymes, allowing all the activities that occur within the body to happen quickly and accurately. CORE includes natural minerals, high quality vitamins, herbs, and digestive enzymes for maximum assimilation. A synergistically balanced formula of necessary vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and trace minerals contributes to good health by regulating the metabolism and assisting the biochemical processes that release energy from digested food. One tablet two times per day. Count: 60 tablets per bottle (Contains no known allergens) Related Veo Products: ESSENTIALS, KEYSTONE

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Herbs for Skin Cancer and Other Cancers

If you are looking for natural skin cancer treatments then first and foremost you must think holistically. Skin cancer is more than skin deep. Natural remedies, natural treatments and natural practitioners always support the body as a whole.

Damiana Extract

This article outlines natural treatments for skin cancer, specifically medicinal herbs and their vast range of anti-cancer actions. This includes is a compilation of herbs that are beneficial for many types of cancer including, but not limited to, skin cancer.

Damiana Extract

Skin cancer, or indeed, any kind of cancer needs a holistic approach to support the body no matter what method of treatment is used.

Herbs can play a huge role in not only nourishing and supporting the body and affected tissues but for the treatment of the actual cancer itself, for example topical applications for skin cancer.

Herbs used in the treatment of cancer may be chosen for their nutritive, alterative, tonic, anti-inflammatory, alkalizing, adaptogenic, stress/nervine support, pain relief and tissue protection.

There are herbs with specific actions that protect cells from DNA and chemical damage.


Anti-neoplastic herbs help reduce abnormal cellular growth. They stop cancer cells from growing.

Tumour apoptotic herbs disable cancer cells and bring about apoptosis (cell death) without doing serious harm to healthy body cells and without destroying the body's overall health:
Bloodroot (Sanguinaria Canadensis), is a prime example of a herb that promotes apoptosis. Bloodroot, used internally and externally acts in the mitochondria of the cancer cell, disabling it so it can no longer produce energy, triggering apoptosis. It does not have this effect on healthy body cells.
Bloodroot is highly effective in the treatment of skin cancer such as BCC, SCC and Melanoma.

Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus) is anti-neoplastic. It enables the immune system to help in the prevention of cancerous growth. Astragalus also helps the immune cells to actually recognize cancer cells. It is very effective used concurrently with chemotherapy or radiotherapy to minimize the detrimental side effects without interfering with the treatment.

Red clover (Trifolium pratense) is alterative, meaning it encourages the body's natural channels of elimination. Red clover is used in cancer prevention for its phytoestrogenic effect, particularly with breast or prostate cancers. Phytoestrogens are natural plant estrogens that do not stimulate excessive cell growth like other harmful estrogens do.

Garlic (Allium sativum) has been shown to increase and stimulate the natural killer cells of the immune system, helping to protect the body from cell damage caused by inflammation or infecting organisms.

Green Tea (Camellia sinensis ) is another herb with antioxidant properties that inhibits tissue damage by free radicals. The catechins (polyphenols) in green tea have proven anticancer properties and inhibit angiogenesis (blood vessel growth to a cancer tumor).

Beetroot (Beta vulgaris cicla) increases the respiration rate of cancer cells by up to 350%. Increased respiration leads to decreased malignancy and shorter life of the cancer cell. Beetroot contains the antioxidant anthocyan in the pigment. This may be included in the diet or taken as herbal medicine in specified doses of dried powdered root. Scientific research shows beetroot prevents lung, liver and skin cancers. Breetroot has been proven to induce Phase II detoxification in the liver.

Chapparal (Larrea tridentata) discourages DNA mutation. The active principle nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA), a polyphenolic compound, is particularly useful in inhibiting promotion of skin cancer. It inhibits an enzyme and other signalling pathways involved in inducing genetic changes (DNA transcription) in the skin cells.

Apricot kernel extract (amygdalin) - contains toxic organic cyanide which destroys cancer cells. An enzyme that is present in normal body cells breaks down the cyanide leaving the non-cancerous cells undamaged. This protective enzyme is not present in cancer cells.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa)- gives liver support for ridding toxins and metabolic wastes. Turmeric inhibits angiogenesis (growth of blood vessels that feed cancer cells) and reduces inflammation which may lead to tissue irritation and cell changes.

Cat's Claw (Uncaria tomentosa) - Immunostimulant and anti-tumour for many types of cancer.
Violet (Viola odorata) The leaves are antineoplastic for breast cancer and used for any breast lumps. Very useful for skin cancer treatment also.

In combination with dietary and lifestyle changes, herbal treatment is likely to begin by aiding the body's channels of elimination with alterative herbs. At the same time, there will be focus on nourishing and supporting with nutritive herbs and digestive tonics to encourage healthy tissue, immune function and cancer prevention.

Nutritive herbs: Oats (Avena sativa), nettle (Urtica dioica), red clover (Trifolium pratense), chickweed (Stellaria media), Raspberry leaf (Rubus idaeus),Barley grass (Hordeum vulgare), wheat grass (Triticum sp) and kelp (Fucus vesiculosus or Macrocystis pyrifera) provide bioavailable minerals and vitamins. They can be taken as well as carefully chosen dietary supplements because cancer can partly be seen as a 'deficiency disease'. The body may require the substances sufficient for rebuilding healthy cells or for supporting an immune system capable of recognizing and destroying cancerous cells. Some supplements will be needed to supply nutrients such as selenium, iodine and many other minerals that are deficient in soils globally.

Anti-scorbutic herbs (for vitamin C): Rose hips, chickweed, nettle, parsley, dandelion, yellow dock, raspberry leaf and violet. These herbs provide vitamin C or aid in its absorption. In relation to cancer vitamin C aids the absorption of other nutrients including iron; assists the immune system; assists the elimination of toxic metals and poisons; is antioxidant, protecting cells from free radical damage; assists the formation of body and blood cells; helps in the healing of damaged tissue, bones and wounds; inhibits metastasis and inhibits tumor growth. In addition, therapeutic doses of supplemental vitamin C are advisable.

DIGESTIVE TONICS and BITTER DIGESTIVE STIMULANTS aid digestion and improve the absorption and assimilation of nutrients.

Digestive tonics: Aloe vera juice, slippery elm bark (Ulmus rubra), comfrey (Symphytum officinale), marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis), licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra). These are soothing, healing demulcent herbs particularly useful in any cancer of the digestive tract.

Bitter digestive stimulants are also tonic to the digestive tract tissue by stimulating digestive secretions from the stomach, liver and gall bladder: Milk thistle (Silybum marianum), globe artichoke (Cynara scolymus), schisandra (Schisandra chinensis), dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), Andrographis (Andrographis paniculata), picrorrhiza (Picrorrhiza kurroa), hops (Humulus lupulus), bupleurum (Bupleurum falcatum), gentian (Gentiana lutea), barberry (Berberis vulgaris), wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), yellow dock (Rumex crispus), angelica (Angelica archangelica), peppermint (Mentha piperita), chamomile (Matricaria recutita), wood betony (Stachys betonica), greater celandine (Chelidonium majus). These herbs greatly assist the digestion of food, enabling better uptake of nutrients by the body.

Circulatory stimulants aid the absorption and assimilation of nutrients and other beneficial substances. They also aid the processes of elimination by improving blood flow from the tissues to the organs of elimination: Prickly ash (Zanthoxylum americanum), ginger (Zingiber officinale), chilli (Capsicum annuum), turmeric (Curcuma longa), ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba),rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), yarrow (Achillea millefolium).

Alterative herbs specifically aid the channels and organs of elimination. They are important for helping the body to rid itself of harmful or useless substances and allow other energy to be spent on supportive processes improving vitality - red clover (Trifolium pratense), burdock (Arctium lappa), Poke root (Phytolacca Americana), Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea), cleavers (Gallium aparine), garlic (Allium sativum), yellow dock (Rumex cripus), violet (Viola odorata), gotu kola (Centella asiatica), nettle (Urtica dioica), figwort (Scrophularia nodosa), sarsaparilla (Smilax spp.)

Herbs for the liver enhance the elimination of toxins in radiation treatment and especially in chemo, particularly schisandra, Schisandra chinensis and milk thistle, Silybum marianum. They protect the liver. Other herbs to help the liver and cancer are Bupleurum falcatum, Andrographis paniculata and Astragalus.

Antioxidant herbs reduce damage caused by free radicals that can lead to tissue damage and cancer. (Antioxidants are anti-mutagenic). Interestingly, most herbs have antioxidant properties. Here are a just a few: turmeric (Curcuma longa), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), self heal (Prunella vulgaris), thyme (Thymus vulgaris), sage (Salvia officinalis), ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), chilli (Capsicum annuum), Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna), milk thistle (Silybum marianum), nettle, ginger and parsley.

Allium sativum and Allium cepa contain selenium and sulphur compounds that stimulate enzymes that prevent the conversion of free-radicals to carcinogens. They must be grown in soil containing selenium.

Other cancer preventing substances found in herbal medicine:

- Carotenoids found in barley grass, spirulina, kelp, seaweeds, (most herbs, but high in the yellow/orange vegetables such as pumpkin and carrot).

-Dithiolthiones, diindoles and glucosinolates found in the Brassica, or cabbage family of vegetables. That's cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and kale.

- Phyto-estrogens:

1. Phytosterols and steroidal saponins found in wild yam (Dioscorea villosa), Panax ginseng, black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa), false unicorn root (ChamHelonias, Tribulus terrestris, licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

2. Lignans that reduce hormone sensitive cancers, found in flaxseed, seaweeds.

3.Polyphenols - isoflavonoids and flavones in Soy, red clover (Trifolium pratense) green beans, legumes and peas.

These above three categories are plant estrogens that act weakly on cell receptor sites, inhibiting the excessive action of more aggressively acting natural and environmental estrogens.

- Polysaccharides - Mushrooms - Shitake, Reishi; Astragalus, Siberian ginseng, Korean ginseng, Echinacea and Aloe vera. Polysaccharides are complex sugars that improve the immune response against tumor cells.

Immunostimulant - The immune system needs support in order to combat cancerous growth as well as to keep the body strong if the person is undergoing surgery, chemo or radiation in the treatment of cancer. Tumour cells can produce cytokines that suppress the immune system.

In addition to the polysaccharide-containing herbs above, use Andrographis paniculata, Picrorrhiza kurroa, Phytolacca americana, Allium sativa (garlic), Echinacea, Olive leaf, Shitake and Reishi mushrooms.

Alkalizing- The modern diet and lifestyle tends towards acidifying the system. Too much easily available meat and refined grains, coupled with stressful lifestyles help create a pH imbalance within the body. With increased acidity there is increased inflammation which may lead to tissue damage and possible cancer development. Some alkalizing herbs are Aloe vera juice, wheat grass, barley grass, alfalfa (Medicago sativa), cleavers(Gallium aparine), nettle (Urtica dioica).

Antiparasitic - Parasites excrete toxins that set up carcinogenic processes. Antiparasitic herbs are black walnut (Juglans nigra), cloves (Sysygium aromaticum), wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), chillies (Capsicum annuum) and goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis).


Cancer is both an emotional and a physical stress on the body. The nervous system can be supported with nervines and adaptogens to help the person to cope.

Nervine tonic - St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum), wood betony (Stachys betonica), oats and oatstraw (Avena sativa), vervain (Verbena officinalis), skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis), chamomile (Matricaria recutita), Withania somnifera, Lavender(Lavandula), damiana (Turnera diffusa), passionflower (Passiflora incarnate), gotu kola (Centella asiatica), Ginkgo biloba, Brahmi (Bacopa monniera).

Adaptogenic - These herbs work at the cellular level. They increase the capacity of the cells to manufacture and use cell fuel more efficiently. They aid in the assimilation, circulation and integration of other beneficial herbs and substances. This helps normalize the body's various functions and stimulate recovery processes. Cumulative stress and the body's subsequent inability to perform its key functions efficiently have been linked with most illnesses. Adaptogenic herbs help the body to adapt to stressors. Schisandra chinensis, Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng), Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus), Astragalus, Withania, Rehmannia and Maca (Lepidium peruvianum). Bacopa and Andrographis are also possibly adaptogenic.

Specific herbs that minimize the harmful effects of radiation and chemo treatment are the ginsengs (Panax, Eleutherococcus, Lepidium) which are also adaptogenic and immune stimulant. Along with an organic, juicing diet these herbs lessen the detrimental side effects of allopathic treatments. Lepidium peruvianum or meyenii from the Brassica family contains glucosinolates found in other members of the same plant family such as broccoli and cabbage. Glucosinolates help clear toxins, protect DNA and block the initiation of tumors.

Kelp and seaweeds also protect against radiation and provide high amounts of bioavailable minerals, particularly iodine. Withania is helpful in chemotherapy.

I have met people who have decided to take chemo alongside an anticancer diet and herbal regimen. They have not lost their hair or energy and have no nausea. The doctors tell them, "you should have been sick and bald by now!"

Nausea: Other herbs to aid digestion and reduce nausea may be needed especially when the specialist's treatment causes loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting. Herbs form the Apiaceae family are indicated - angelica (Angelica archangelica), Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), Dill (Anethum graveolens) and aniseed (Pimpinella anisum). Also very effective are peppermint, ginger and chamomile.

Pain management

1. Circulatory stimulants may be used for pain associated with cancer where blocked blood vessels cause poor circulation and ischaemia.
2. Nervine tonics - when a tumour is exerting pressure on nerves. This is the cause of most of the severe cancer pain.
3. Anti-inflammatory herbs can be used as in any condition where inflammation is a factor in pain including cancer.

Reducing inflammation is also important in maintaining health and reducing the risk and/or growth of cancer. Increased levels of pro-inflammatory markers are associated with the growth and survival of malignant cells. Moderating inflammatory mediators such as Cox 2 and leukotrienes can help decrease cancer spread. Turmeric and Bupleurum will contribute well here. Turmeric is one of nature's best anti-inflammatory agents. It reduces mast cell release of histamine.

Anticoagulant herbs are valid in the herbal treatment of cancer because abnormal blood coagulation is associated with cancer: Ginkgo, turmeric, garlic as well as quercetin, omega 3 essential fatty acids and vitamin E.

Cell proliferant, but in a healthy way, not uncontrolled and progressive as with cancer...Aloe vera, comfrEy (Symphytum officinale) and gotu kola (Centella asiatica) stimulate the healthy formation and growth of normal body cells.

Vulnerary (healing) - needed after surgery. Vulnerary herbs are also used to minimise scarring after herbal removal of skin cancers such as melanoma, basal and squamous cell carcinomas. Again, Aloe gel, comfrey and gotu kola are very successful in creating flat new tissue growth and reducing raised kelloid scars.

Herbs that inhibit angiogenesis (blood vessel formation) - because the development of a blood supply is important to the survival and growth of a tumor:
curcuminoids in turmeric catechins in Green Tea (bovine and shark cartilage, although not herbal treatment, also inhibit angiogenesis)

Thus, there is a huge number of herbs that may be used in the treatment of cancer. Commonsense can tell us to nourish the body with essential nutrients. It tells us to nurture the spirit and emotions and to utilize herbs that have been proven over the millennia, or through modern science, to provide healing properties and fight against cancer.

You can support your body to a natural solution to fighting skin cancer and other cancers with the immense natural chemicals found in plants. They act upon and within the tissues of your body, providing amazing tools for healing that your body needs.

Herbs for Skin Cancer and Other Cancers
Damiana Extract

Black Friday Evening Boost 8 Oz Bottle. Specifically for Women To: Warm the Heart, Enhance Sexual Function, Increase Energy, Circulation and Support Healthy Hormone Function. Used Safely and Effectively for Over 20 Years. 2011 Deals

Nov 23, 2011 20:29:00

Black Friday Evening Boost 8 Oz Bottle. Specifically for Women To: Warm the Heart, Enhance Sexual Function, Increase Energy, Circulation and Support Healthy Hormone Function. Used Safely and Effectively for Over 20 Years. Deals
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Evening Boost 8 Oz Bottle. Specifically for Women To: Warm the Heart, Enhance Sexual Function, Increase Energy, Circulation and Support Healthy Hormone Function. Used Safely and Effectively for Over 20 Years.

>> Click here to update Black Friday prices for Evening Boost 8 Oz Bottle. Specifically for Women To: Warm the Heart, Enhance Sexual Function, Increase Energy, Circulation and Support Healthy Hormone Function. Used Safely and Effectively for Over 20 Years. <<

Black Friday Evening Boost 8 Oz Bottle. Specifically for Women To: Warm the Heart, Enhance Sexual Function, Increase Energy, Circulation and Support Healthy Hormone Function. Used Safely and Effectively for Over 20 Years. Feature

  • Free shipping orders over .00 on Amazon site.
  • Alcohol and sugar free. Vegan. No corn, wheat, sugar, alcohol. Kosher Gylerine and purified water.
  • Complete list of formulas at: http://www.trilighthealth.com
  • Warms the heart, enhance sexual function, increase energy, circulation and healthy hormone function.
  • No artificial stimulants. This is all natural herbs that feed the body hormones properly.

Black Friday Evening Boost 8 Oz Bottle. Specifically for Women To: Warm the Heart, Enhance Sexual Function, Increase Energy, Circulation and Support Healthy Hormone Function. Used Safely and Effectively for Over 20 Years. Overview

Testimonial from T.H. (36 year old female): My initial experience of the EVE-ning formula is that it was warm and good for the heart, stimulating and balancing hormones; a powerful tonic, similiar to Ginseng tonic in a bottle. EVE-ning BOOST helped my body to become more aware and awake to it"s natural process of hormonal health. I have only so much time to feel!

Herbs are processed in Trilight's CA FDA approved facility, a licensed Organic food handler.
14 day 3 stage herbal process, Base of Kosher Glycerine and distilled water base.
Trilight Herbs just celebrated over 19 years providing Liquid Light Alcohol free herbal extracts for children and the entire family.
If you have product questions call (971) 225 - 0588 from 9-5 PST or visit us at http://www.trilighthealth.com

Customer Review: Date: 03/04/2011 I had just had my 4th baby and was not feeling "in the mode" as much as needed to make a happy marriage. Also it just was bugging me that my mood was not the same as in the previous months. I started taking Eve-ning Boost in the afternoon before my husband came home and in the evenings after dinner. After a month or two it was not even necessary. Thank you very much. Rating:5 of 5 Stars

SAVE NOW on Black Friday offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Black Friday Evening Boost 8 Oz Bottle. Specifically for Women To: Warm the Heart, Enhance Sexual Function, Increase Energy, Circulation and Support Healthy Hormone Function. Used Safely and Effectively for Over 20 Years. ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Evening Boost 8 Oz Bottle. Specifically for Women To: Warm the Heart, Enhance Sexual Function, Increase Energy, Circulation and Support Healthy Hormone Function. Used Safely and Effectively for Over 20 Years.

Limited Offer Today!! Evening Boost 8 Oz Bottle. Specifically for Women To: Warm the Heart, Enhance Sexual Function, Increase Energy, Circulation and Support Healthy Hormone Function. Used Safely and Effectively for Over 20 Years. Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

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Evening Boost 8 Oz Bottle. Specifically for Women To: Warm the Heart, Enhance Sexual Function, Increase Energy, Circulation and Support Healthy Hormone Function. Used Safely and Effectively for Over 20 Years.

Black Friday Evening Boost 8 Oz Bottle. Specifically for Women To: Warm the Heart, Enhance Sexual Function, Increase Energy, Circulation and Support Healthy Hormone Function. Used Safely and Effectively for Over 20 Years. 2011 Deals

Nov 22, 2011 19:24:13

Black Friday Evening Boost 8 Oz Bottle. Specifically for Women To: Warm the Heart, Enhance Sexual Function, Increase Energy, Circulation and Support Healthy Hormone Function. Used Safely and Effectively for Over 20 Years. Deals
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Evening Boost 8 Oz Bottle. Specifically for Women To: Warm the Heart, Enhance Sexual Function, Increase Energy, Circulation and Support Healthy Hormone Function. Used Safely and Effectively for Over 20 Years.

>> Click here to update Black Friday prices for Evening Boost 8 Oz Bottle. Specifically for Women To: Warm the Heart, Enhance Sexual Function, Increase Energy, Circulation and Support Healthy Hormone Function. Used Safely and Effectively for Over 20 Years. <<

Black Friday Evening Boost 8 Oz Bottle. Specifically for Women To: Warm the Heart, Enhance Sexual Function, Increase Energy, Circulation and Support Healthy Hormone Function. Used Safely and Effectively for Over 20 Years. Feature

  • Free shipping orders over .00 on Amazon site.
  • Alcohol and sugar free. Vegan. No corn, wheat, sugar, alcohol. Kosher Gylerine and purified water.
  • Complete list of formulas at: http://www.trilighthealth.com
  • Warms the heart, enhance sexual function, increase energy, circulation and healthy hormone function.
  • No artificial stimulants. This is all natural herbs that feed the body hormones properly.

Black Friday Evening Boost 8 Oz Bottle. Specifically for Women To: Warm the Heart, Enhance Sexual Function, Increase Energy, Circulation and Support Healthy Hormone Function. Used Safely and Effectively for Over 20 Years. Overview

Testimonial from T.H. (36 year old female): My initial experience of the EVE-ning formula is that it was warm and good for the heart, stimulating and balancing hormones; a powerful tonic, similiar to Ginseng tonic in a bottle. EVE-ning BOOST helped my body to become more aware and awake to it"s natural process of hormonal health. I have only so much time to feel!

Herbs are processed in Trilight's CA FDA approved facility, a licensed Organic food handler.
14 day 3 stage herbal process, Base of Kosher Glycerine and distilled water base.
Trilight Herbs just celebrated over 19 years providing Liquid Light Alcohol free herbal extracts for children and the entire family.
If you have product questions call (971) 225 - 0588 from 9-5 PST or visit us at http://www.trilighthealth.com

Customer Review: Date: 03/04/2011 I had just had my 4th baby and was not feeling "in the mode" as much as needed to make a happy marriage. Also it just was bugging me that my mood was not the same as in the previous months. I started taking Eve-ning Boost in the afternoon before my husband came home and in the evenings after dinner. After a month or two it was not even necessary. Thank you very much. Rating:5 of 5 Stars

SAVE NOW on Black Friday offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Black Friday Evening Boost 8 Oz Bottle. Specifically for Women To: Warm the Heart, Enhance Sexual Function, Increase Energy, Circulation and Support Healthy Hormone Function. Used Safely and Effectively for Over 20 Years. ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Evening Boost 8 Oz Bottle. Specifically for Women To: Warm the Heart, Enhance Sexual Function, Increase Energy, Circulation and Support Healthy Hormone Function. Used Safely and Effectively for Over 20 Years.

Limited Offer Today!! Evening Boost 8 Oz Bottle. Specifically for Women To: Warm the Heart, Enhance Sexual Function, Increase Energy, Circulation and Support Healthy Hormone Function. Used Safely and Effectively for Over 20 Years. Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

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Female Libido - The Best Herbs to Boost Libido Naturally!

Low libido can hit women at any age and it causes frustration and misery but the good news is is you can boost libido by taking some proven herbs which can give you the nutrients you need, to boost your libido and also improve your overall health at the same time.

Damiana Extract

Before we look at the herbs, lets quickly review why women who appear in normally good health, suffer libido loss and the reasons, can be both mental and physical.

Damiana Extract

On a physical level, one of the major causes of low libido is poor blood circulation; for a strong libido and sexual satisfaction, the sex organs must fill with blood quickly. The majority of women who suffer from low libido, have sluggish blood flow.

For a strong libido, women also need the chemicals testosterone and estrogen; if you lack either of them low libido, diminished sexual satisfaction and even painful sex can be the result.

On a mental level, women are subject to hormonal changes related to childbirth, PMS and the menopause and all of these hormonal changes, can cause sexual desire to fall. Other mental inputs which cause problems with libido are stress, anxiety, depression and worry.

The good news is all the above problems can be solved, by taking natural sex pills for women which contain proven libido enhancing herbs which will give you the nutrients, you simply don't get in your everyday diet. Let's take a look at a few of the best ones.

Satavri Extract (Asparargus Recemosus)

Shatavri helps to increase levels of testosterone, strengthens muscles and toneS them and finally, moistens the dry tissues of the female sexual organs.

Dong Quai

This herb will help to boost blood circulation to the sex organs, increase levels of estrogen, keep blood sugar levels steady and contains nutrients which help fight the symptoms of PMS and the menopause; this is a a herb which all women should take for general health and sexual wellness.


Schisandra increases blood flow to the sex organs and helps them to fill with blood quickly; recent research has also showen that extracts of Schisanda fruit acts as a phytoestrogen.

Avena Sativa

Avena Sativa helps to increase testosterone levels, helps to relieve mental stress and anxiety and increases sensitivity in the vagina area.


Helps to improve blood flow all around the body and to the brain; the herb is known to improve mood, increase energy and reduce stress which helps to put you in the mood for sex.

Damiana Extract (Turnera Aphrodisiaca)

Damiana relaxes the body and calms the mind. The herb is known to bring on a feeling of mild euphoria which increases libido and heightens sexual pleasure. The herb also plays a key role in helping to balance female hormone levels and is frequently taken, to fight the symptoms of PMS and the menopause.

Get them all and More Libido enhancing herbs!

You can get the above libido enhancing herbs and others, in the best female libido pills; not only will these natural herbal sex pills improve your sex drive, they will also improve your general wellness at the same time.

Female Libido - The Best Herbs to Boost Libido Naturally!
Damiana Extract

Black Friday St. John's Wort Plus (Nervous System) - 1.01oz Tincture/Extract Blend 2011 Deals

Nov 21, 2011 16:25:57

Black Friday St. John's Wort Plus (Nervous System) - 1.01oz Tincture/Extract Blend Deals
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St. John's Wort Plus (Nervous System) - 1.01oz Tincture/Extract Blend

>> Click here to update Black Friday prices for St. John's Wort Plus (Nervous System) - 1.01oz Tincture/Extract Blend <<

Black Friday St. John's Wort Plus (Nervous System) - 1.01oz Tincture/Extract Blend Feature

  • Known to treat: anxiety, nervous system, sedative
  • Ingredients: St. John's Wort (flower), Blue Vervain (herb), Damiana (leaf), Scullcap (herb)
  • Dosage: Take 40-60 drops three times a day or as directed by your health care practitioner.

Black Friday St. John's Wort Plus (Nervous System) - 1.01oz Tincture/Extract Blend Overview

This formula is designed to have a sedative and restorative effect on the nervous system. It is used by herbalists to strengthen the nervous system while relaxing any tension and stress.Cautions: *Consult a health care practitioner for prolonged use.Consult a health care practitioner before use.Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight, ultraviolet light or ultraviolet therapy.Do not use if hyperglycemia or diabetes are present.Do not use if taking any of the following; immunosuppressants, oral contraceptives, oral anticoagulants, and HIV protease inhibitors, digoxin, or hypo- or hypertensive and hormone therapies.Discontinue use in cases of diarrhea, or gastrointestinal upset.Consult a health care practitioner if antagonism of the nerve endings is present, or sleep disturbances occur.Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding.

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This Black Friday St. John's Wort Plus (Nervous System) - 1.01oz Tincture/Extract Blend ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

St. John's Wort Plus (Nervous System) - 1.01oz Tincture/Extract Blend

Limited Offer Today!! St. John's Wort Plus (Nervous System) - 1.01oz Tincture/Extract Blend Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

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HoneyCombs Damiana Extract Alcohol Free (Liquid), 1 oz

Black Friday HoneyCombs Damiana Extract Alcohol Free (Liquid), 1 oz 2011 Deals

Nov 20, 2011 14:55:39

Black Friday HoneyCombs Damiana Extract Alcohol Free (Liquid), 1 oz Deals
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HoneyCombs Damiana Extract Alcohol Free (Liquid), 1 oz

>> Click here to update Black Friday prices for HoneyCombs Damiana Extract Alcohol Free (Liquid), 1 oz <<

Black Friday HoneyCombs Damiana Extract Alcohol Free (Liquid), 1 oz Feature

  • Liquid Damiana Extract
  • Non-alcoholic Form
  • Approx: One Month Supply

Black Friday HoneyCombs Damiana Extract Alcohol Free (Liquid), 1 oz Overview


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Available In Stock.

This Black Friday HoneyCombs Damiana Extract Alcohol Free (Liquid), 1 oz ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

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Limited Offer Today!! HoneyCombs Damiana Extract Alcohol Free (Liquid), 1 oz Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

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Avlimil Complete - Shocking Information

Hormonal instability usually causes night sweats, irritability and hot flashes, which can be difficult to handle for most women. These hormonal changes happen during menopause and due to the numerous health concerns associated with menopause, women tend to look for effective treatments that can reduce their worries and sufferings. There are a lot of prescription medications that can help relieve these symptoms but many doctors recommend natural remedies to cure problems associated with menopause and hormonal imbalance such as lack of sexual interest.

Damiana Extract

Menopause happens due to estrogen deficiency in the body. There are a lot of hormone replacement therapies that were made to balance the estrogen in the body but most of these treatments failed due to some serious side effects. Fortunately, herbal remedies for menopause have shown potential in treating the problem without side effects. With the popularity of these herbal medicines to substitute estrogen, a lot of companies develop drugs that contain herbal ingredients. These treatments are now available in the market as well as online.

Damiana Extract

Avlimil Complete is only one of the numerous herbal products that claim to help women with their sexual problems. The ingredients in Avlimil Complete are said to help reduce hot flashes, irritability, night sweats and other menopause symptoms. According to the manufacturer of Avlimil Complete, the product does not only help in women deal with menopause but also safe and effective in promoting healthy blood flow and in increasing the relaxation of the muscles for the improvement of libido and for more energetic and healthier sexual response.

Avlimil Complete is believed to be a non-hormonal drug that does not have progesterone, estrogen, testosterone and other hormones. Though Avlimil Complete has benefits, this product is not recommended for pregnant and nursing women. In addition, if you are taking other medications due to some health concerns, it is best not to take Avlimil Complete unless you consult your doctor.

Avlimil Complete claims to help women enhance their sexual function because all its ingredients are natural. It contains sage leaf, red raspberry leaf, red clover extract, kudzu root extract, licorice root, capsicum pepper, bayberry fruit, valeriana root, damiana leaf, black cohosh root and ginger root. Women are advised to take the supplement once a day.

Though Avlimil Complete has benefits, it has several side effects such as stomach upset, headaches, insomnia and even anxiety. If you are planning to take medications to treat your sexual problems, it is best to talk to your doctor and ask advice about your condition. Remember that even herbal medications may have dangerous side effects so it is best to identify the ingredients you are allergic to and read the labels of any medication in order to know whether the product is safe for you or not.

Keep in mind that low libido in women are caused by a lot of factors including stress, lack of sleep and other emotional concerns. It is essential to determine this factors so that it is easier to address the problem. If you happen to experience sexual problems, it is necessary to talk to your doctor and discuss about your condition to get an appropriate treatment. Most of the time, herbal treatments such as Avlimil Complete is not the solution to your problem. Shifting into a healthier lifestyle is still the best treatment for low libido problems. For instance, reducing your caffeine and sugar intake can help improve your libido.

Avlimil Complete - Shocking Information
Damiana Extract

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Nov 19, 2011 14:22:46

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